
テクダイヤのワークライフバランス -入社1年目、外国籍社員の私の考え-

テクダイヤのワークライフバランス -入社1年目、外国籍社員の私の考え-
Born and raised in Saigon, Vietnam, moved to the U.S. since high school on scholarship on my own, and lived by myself for 7 years travelling from East to West Coast, I am no stranger to the transition process of moving to new environment and adapt to new cultures. So moving to Japan for my full-time offer after graduation did not seem to be a problem to me, except for time and time again, people would still warned me, with well intention, about the notorious reputation that Japan is widely known for, the overwork culture or the non-existent work-life balance in most Japanese companies. In fact, this had been one of my biggest worries before joining Tecdia, but as six months has gone by, I am glad to say that my company is well-deserved to be awarded as one of the best companies with work-life balance and this is how it works for me. 私はベトナムのサイゴンという場所で生まれ育ち、奨学金制度を利用して高校時代からアメリカに移りました。自ら、東海岸から西海岸に移って7年間を過ごしたので、新しい環境に移り、新しい文化に適応するということには慣れています。そのため、大学卒業後に就職のため日本に移ることは私にとって大きな問題ではありませんでした。しかし、周囲の人々は私が日本に行くことに対して、日本の悪い評判を心配していました。ほとんどの日本企業は過労文化があり、ワークライフバランスは存在しないということです。実際、私もテクダイヤに入社する前に最も心配していたことの一つでした。しかし、入社6か月が経ち、私はワークライフバランスが取れていて、さらにテクダイヤが「港区ワークライフバランス」の表彰を受けたことをうれしく思っています。これが私の働き方です。

Priority Management and Goal-Oriented Work 優先順位をつけることと、目標を設定すること

My doubts on work-life balance were dispelled on the first day of work when I learned that at Tecdia, overtime work is voluntary and, in some departments, required approval from supervisors to happen.There is no such thing like having to wait until after your boss leave to leave like the media would describe.There is no socially acknowledged virtue in staying long after work performing tasks with low cost-performance.Rather, I knew that I was encouraged to accomplish my work with efficiency that overtime work can become unnecessary .In order to make this happens, I learn to manage work priorities and work with clear goals set out for myself every day.Managing priorities and goals keeps me on track and focused on what matter the most in my work.This keeps the project progressing to the next stage on a timely manner while keeping the workload from being unnecessarily overwhelming.Even when unexpected situation happens, people in my department would communicate to rearrange the priorities or delegate the responsibilities again often.Since we all share the same understanding and respect for each other’s work-life balance, we make decisions so that no one must be put into the difficult position of compromising between work and personal life.Thanks to this, not only we can get our work done, but we also have more time to bond as co-workers.I even get to have time to make friends outside of the department and it really feels like I am having a second family here at Tecdia.people in my department would communicate to rearrange the priorities or delegate the responsibilities again properly.Since we all share the same understanding and respect for each other’s work-life balance, we make decisions so that no one must be put into the difficult position of compromising between work and personal life.Thanks to this, not only we can get our work done, but we also have more time to bond as co-workers.I even get to have time to make friends outside of the department and it really feels like I am having a second family here at Tecdia.people in my department would communicate to rearrange the priorities or delegate the responsibilities again properly.Since we all share the same understanding and respect for each other’s work-life balance, we make decisions so that no one must be put into the difficult position of compromising between work and personal life.Thanks to this, not only we can get our work done, but we also have more time to bond as co-workers.I even get to have time to make friends outside of the department and it really feels like I am having a second family here at Tecdia.we make decisions so that no one must be put into the difficult position of compromising between work and personal life.Thanks to this, not only we can get our work done, but we also have more time to bond as co-workers. get to have time to make friends outside of the department and it really feels like I am having a second family here at Tecdia.we make decisions so that no one must be put into the difficult position of compromising between work and personal life.Thanks to this, not only we can get our work done, but we also have more time to bond as co-workers. get to have time to make friends outside of the department and it really feels like I am having a second family here at Tecdia.

テクダイヤでは、残業は社員の自発的なものであり、上司の承認が必要であるということを知った時、私のワークライフバランスへの心配はすぐに消えました。メディアが報じるように上司が帰宅するまで待たなければならないということもありません。規定の就業時間に効率悪く仕事をした後、残業代をもらってまで会社に滞在することは社会的に美徳とはされていません。むしろ、効率良く仕事をすれば残業が不要になる可能性があるため、効率的に仕事をすることが推奨されていることを知っていました。これを実現するために私は仕事の優先順位をつけ、毎日明確な目標を設定して仕事をします。優先順位をつけることで、仕事はスムーズに進み、最も重要な仕事に集中できます。これにより、プロジェクトが次の段階にタイムリーに進行し、業務が不必要に圧迫されないようにします。予期しない事が発生した場合でも、私の部門の先輩方は、優先順位を再調整するか、業務内容を分担するために連絡を取り合います。 私たち全員がお互いのワークライフバランスについて理解し、尊重し合っているので、仕事と私生活のどちらかを疎かにしません。 これにより、仕事を終わらせることができるだけでなく、同僚として絆を深める時間も増えました。部門外で友達を作ることもできるので、テクダイヤに第二の家族がいるような感じがします。

Administration Department Dinner
Management party drinking party 部門の飲み会で

Healthy Boundary Between Life and Work 人生と仕事のしっかりとした境界線

When talking about work-life balance, people tends to regard work and life as two separate things that must be divided equally in every way.But for me, it does not have to be rigidly this way.Of course, I still make it clear that work is not personal life and I honor and respect the hours and the rules that come with work, but that does not mean that I also have to put in 50% of my effort in each.Because I have already defined the limited time dedicated to my work, I want to make the best out of it and that means putting in my 100% into everything I am involved in.This way, I keep myself motivated and excited to get to the office every morning. tasks home, I do welcome other parts of my work to my life, especially the people I have become close at work.Sometimes I have my co-workers join me in my hobbies or have nice dinner hangouts together talking about our office life.By putting my hundred percent in both work and life, a healthy boundary between work and life can exist but this boundary still allows everything involved to be connected instead of being divided and I believe that this is how balance should look like!



[caption id="attachment_8669" align="aligncenter" width="300"]広報部、技術部、管理部のメンバー一緒にスノーボードしました 広報部、技術部、管理部のメンバー一緒にスノーボードしました[/caption]

Make Work Fun and Enjoy the Ride 仕事を楽しくし、趣味を楽しむ

At work, my job is about data management and system development that provide our company's business activities with a unified and reliable system to operate on.Most of my tasks involve database management, application building, and application user support.This is a tech job and for many outsiders, the tasks might seem rigorous and tedious.It requires hours of labor working on codes that will prove itself in just mere seconds or a few clicks.A lot of times, the tasks can seem to get undeniably boring, and to be honest, I do not disagree.However, I also believe that all the other jobs do have their moments of boredom as well, so all we can do is to find other ways to make our work fun and more enjoyable.At Tecdia, we are privileged to be able to express our individuality, have free dress code,and bring our personalities to the office in ways we find comfortable to work.I could show up with costume on Halloween and be celebrated and I can configure my desk in any way I prefer to set up for my working environment.This is another one of many things that many other Japanese companies would let their employees do in their office.For this, I am always grateful to be a part of Tecdia!


私の仕事は、データ管理とシステム開発に関するもので、より良い会社にするため信頼性の高いシステムを提供します。私の主な仕事は、データベース管理、アプリケーション構築、アプリケーションユーザーサポートです。部門外の方々にとっては、仕事内容が厳密で退屈に思えるかもしれませんが、皆さんがほんの数秒または数回のクリックするという行為のために何時間も労力を費やす必要があります。多くの場合、どんな仕事にも退屈な瞬間があると思うので、私たちにできることは、仕事をより楽しいものにする方法を見つけることだけです。例えば、私たちの個性を表現できる無料の衣装を職場に持ち込み、職場でも居心地良く、職場でも個性を表現できるという特権があります。 セットアップすることを好むこれは、他の多くの日本企業も職場で従業員にさせている多くのことの1つです。このため、私はテクダイヤの一員であることを常に感謝しています!



[caption id="attachment_8666" align="aligncenter" width="225"]Kiki's Delivery Service for Adult Witch Kiki's Delivery Service for Adult Witch 魔女の宅急便 キキ[/caption]

Wrap It Up まとめ

Work-life balance might still sound difficult and even strange to so many people.In Japan, I am very well-aware that it is still a huge problem as many other Japanese companies still force their employees to stay late after work, sometimes even without pay. But it is different here at Tecdia.Yes, we are also a Japanese company, but in here we have a culture that is welcoming and encouraging us to grow in our own way.This place is where I can determine for myself what I want, put in my best, and enjoy the process! For those who are looking for a work-life balance full-time job, we are recruiting and would be glad to see you in our events.If you are interested in the specific work that I am doing and want to be a part of it as well, please do not hesitate to reach out to me for more questions.I can be contacted via v_nguyen@tecdia.co.jp.Thank you for your interest!


日本では、まだまだワークライフバランスを取ることが難しいように思います。残業代もなしに残業をしていることなど、依然として大きな問題であることは非常によくわかっています。 しかし、テクダイヤはここが異なります。もちろん、私たちも日本企業ですが、ここには私たちが自分のやり方で成長すること推奨する文化があります。 最善を尽くして、人生を楽しんでください! ワークライフバランスのある仕事を探している人のために、私たちは募集しており、採用イベントなどであなた方にお会いできたら嬉しいです。私がやっている仕事に興味があり、その仲間になりたい場合や質問がある場合は遠慮なくご連絡ください。v_nguyen@ tecdia.co.jpからご連絡いただけます。最後まで、お読みいただきありがとうございました。