
海外出張の準備に必要な4つのこと 4 Things You Need to Prepare for an Overseas Business Trip

海外出張の準備に必要な4つのこと 4 Things You Need to Prepare for an Overseas Business Trip
私はオーストラリア人で日本の会社に勤めています。仕事柄、海外の生産パートナーとのやりとりをすることが多く、仕事で出張することもあります。トラベルバブルが開き、少しずつ出張が再開されていく中で、初めての出張者へのアドバイスをまとめてみました。 My job is to work with our overseas manufacturing partner, so I often have to travel for work. As travel bubbles open up and business travel is slowly resumes, I've put together some advice for first-time business travelers.


As countries that have kept their COVID-19 numbers under control are slowly easing travel restrictions and creating “travel bubbles” with neighbors, business travel is expected to increase over the next few months. Zoom, Teams and the ol’ reliable email have been keeping the business world moving in 2020; but they are still not always the perfect substitute for a direct meeting. If you are expecting to go abroad for business, here’s a list to remind you of what you will need before you go!


  1. 渡航書類 Travel documentation
  2. 作業道具 Work equipment
  3. お土産・ギフト Souvenirs/gifts
  4. 語学力 Language skills


注意:今の旅行では安全性が一番重要です。飛行機は旅行の最も安全な方法の一つと考えることができますが(機内の空気は完全にフィルタリングされ、 3 分ごとに交換されています)、マスクを着用、手を頻繁に洗う、社会的な距離を保つなどの推奨されるガイドラインに従うことは、あなたの責任です。

※NOTE: It goes without saying, of course, that safety is the most important thing to consider when traveling now. While planes can be considered one of the safest methods of travel (as cabin air is fully filtered and completely replaced every 3 minutes), following the recommended guidelines such as wearing a mask, washing your hands often, and keeping social distance, is your responsibility.



With that in mind, let’s set off!

1. 渡航書類 Travel documentation

まず、最初に必要なのは、渡航書類です。ビザ、旅行券、ホテルなどのは、あなたのオフィスの旅行手配担当者が予約済みかもしれません。あなたの会社が頻繁に同じ国に出張をしている場合、手配を行う人は、プロセスと必要なものに精通しています。もし不安があれば、確認しましょう。パスポートの詳細など、相手が必要とする情報を共有できるように準備しておきましょう。 コロナでは一部条件が変更されている場合がありますので、自国の出国ルールと渡航先の入国ルールの両方を必ず確認しましょう。

The first, and most obvious, thing that you need is travel documentation. Most of this (such as visas, travel tickets, and hotel information) may be prepared by whoever in your office oversees travel arrangements. If your upcoming trip is to a place where your company often does business, it is likely that the person making the arrangements is familiar with the processes and what is needed. If you are unsure, check with them. Be prepared to share information they may need, such as your passport details. COVID may have changed some requirements, so be sure to check both your own country’s exit rules and immigration rules in your destination country.



Also, be proactive in asking about expensing procedures (will you charge everything to a company card? Or will you keep receipts for reimbursement later?), how you will travel from the airport to where you are staying, and when and where you are expected to report for duty. Some companies will schedule travel in the morning with meetings almost as soon as you arrive, whereas others will allow some time to get settled in your lodgings before starting work the next day. Check with your supervisors so you can make the appropriate arrangements, and also so you know who to contact in case of a travel hiccup like your flight being delayed.



If possible, get paper copies of information you may need to have on hand, such as your itinerary, hotel information, names and contact information for people you are meeting, and so on. You may not have phone/internet access when you first arrive, and having that information easily accessible can save you a lot of time and stress. Keep this information in your carry-on or personal bag so it stays close to you.


2. 作業道具 Work equipment


These days, most of us work on computers, tablets or smartphones. This can be great when you want to kill some time at the airport by staying on top of emails and Teams/Slack. All your files are with you or accessible on the cloud without the need for a bulky briefcase – truly, 2020 is a digital nomad’s dream. However, the downside is that your destination may use different power plugs. Stay on top of it by packing adaptors, as well as battery packs for your phone. Nothing is more frustrating than having to dash out to buy a charger or power cord last minute, especially in an unfamiliar place!



If you have any specialist equipment you will be bringing with you, ask the travel company or airline ahead of time. You may be required to pack it a certain way (in which case, your company should help with this). Large items may need to be booked in, have extra fees associated with bringing them, or require special paperwork. Make sure you have all the details ahead of time – including if you will need to do the same thing again on the return journey – to make your trip go smoothly.



Lastly, ensuring you have any necessities for traveling in comfort – such as headphones, entertainment, hand sanitizer and so on – can help minimize the stress of traveling. Ensuring you reach your destination well-rested, well-prepared, and ready to go is an often-overlooked form of professionalism.

3. お土産・ギフト Souvenirs/gifts


このヒントは少し "日本的 "かもしれませんが、誰もが食べ物が大好きなので、世界中で通用します。日本には「おみやげ」という文化があります。海外の会社やオフィスを訪問する場合は、休憩室に何かを持っていくと、親善心が芽生え、親しみやすくなります。カナダのメープル味のものやイギリスの紅茶など、お住まいの地域でよく知られているものを持っていくのがベストです。もちろん、ピーナッツなどの一般的なアレルゲンを含むお菓子は避けるようにしてください。

This tip might be a little “Japanese”, but it works all around the world, because everyone loves food! In Japan, there is an “omiyage” culture; this is where people bring small, individually packaged snacks from places they have visited as souvenirs. If you are visiting an overseas company or office, bringing something for people to share in the break room is a great (and cheap!) way to cultivate good will and encourage friendliness. It works best if what you bring is something that is well-known from your area, such as anything maple-flavored from Canada, or black tea from England. Obviously, try to steer clear of treats that contain common allergens such as peanuts.



If you are stuck about where to find these individually wrapped treats and your local supermarket has not yielded what you need, try checking office supply stores. Aside from the expected stationery and printer cartridges, many stock such items as well. You can find small two-packs of cookies or individually wrapped teabags that are designed to be distributed at offices. While the options on offer may seem like a commonplace thing where you are from, people at the overseas location may not have tried it! For example, when I first came to Japan, I brought individually portioned packets of Vegemite (the kind you find at breakfast buffets in business hotels) to give out when introducing myself. I’ll admit that the flavor was not very popular, but it did give everyone a chance to chat and I was able to meet a lot more people than I would have if I had not brought anything at all.

4. 語学力 Language skills


If you are travelling to a country that has a different official language than your native tongue, it is always a good idea to brush up before you go. Many business travelers are chosen for overseas assignments based on their ability to speak foreign languages, but not all. If you do not speak the language of your destination country, get a phrase book (yes, they still sell these!) or watch a few introductory language videos online. The power of being able to say “thank you” in your business partner’s native language should never been overlooked.


しかも、出張先に滞在中24時間仕事で過ごすわけではありません! 仕事の時間外は、料理の注文やクリーニングなどのサービスの手配など、少しでもコミュニケーションが取れるようにしたいものです。「お願いします」「ありがとうございます」「すみません」だけでも言えるようにしておくと便利です。失敗もあるかもしれませんし、不思議な出会いもあるかもしれませんが、そのチャレンジも海外出張の醍醐味の一つです。

Furthermore, you will not be spending 24 hours a day at work! After hours, you will want to be able to communicate even a little, from ordering food or arranging services like dry cleaning. If you can manage “please”, “thank you” and “excuse me/sorry”, you will be able to figure out the rest as you go. You may make mistakes and have some strange and unusual encounters, but that challenge is part of what makes an overseas business trip so exciting!


この4つのヒントがお役に立てれば幸いです。今は海外出張に緊張している人も多いですし、多くの場面ではやはりネット会議を優先して渡航は控えた方が良いでしょう。どうしても渡航をしなければならない方は、安全に渡航をしてください。少しずつコロナを克服し、再び自由に移動できるようになるでしょう。それまでは、健康と安全のためのガイドラインを守るために、私たちの役割を果たしましょう。 いつか海外でお会いできる日を楽しみにしています!

I hope that these 4 tips can help you. Many people are nervous about traveling right now, and in many situations, it is still best to refrain from travel in favor of online meetings. For those who must travel, please do so safely. Slowly we will overcome COVID-19, and be able to travel freely once again. Until then, let’s all do our part to follow health and safety guidelines. I hope to meet you abroad someday soon!




出張報告書 台湾 (前編)

フィリピン工場との英語のコミュニケーション その①