
【新人のもしなら。】 Derma Roller(ダーマローラー)の極細針、ウチの製品使えないのかな? |【NINA’s What IF】 Made-in-Japan Precision needles for Derma Roller

【新人のもしなら。】 Derma Roller(ダーマローラー)の極細針、ウチの製品使えないのかな? |【NINA’s What IF】 Made-in-Japan Precision needles for Derma Roller
皆さんこんにちは、NINA(ニーナ)です! 新設マーケティングチームに配属された新入社員の私に課せられた使命、、、「新しいマーケット見つけてこい!」 ものづくり業界ド素人がこの使命を全うすべく、思いつく限りの 「もし○○なら、ウチの製品こんなところに使えないのかな?」 を描いていく連載ブログを開始します!今回はその第一弾です! Hi, there! I am Nina, a baby market analyst since this Spring. To achieve my mission of Finding new market, I will give some brainstorming here through this blog by writing my own idea of “what if our products can be used in…” as amateur. Here it goes my very first idea!

美容業界で何か見つけたい…だって女の子だもん。| Yes of course I am a girl, let’s get start with Beauty.



マスクしていると、 お化粧薄くてもいいから楽だな~と思う反面、ずっと肌荒れしている気がする。




It has been already more than 6months since a pandemic outbreak of Covid-19, but have you got used to “new normal”?

Wearing a mask every single day, and mask has become something you need to put on to go out just like clothes.

I know it is very easy every morning as I don’t have to put on make up that much, but at same time, cannot get away from skin problem due to the friction between face skin and mask, or simply eating too much chocolate during working from home.

And I guess this is not a problem only for me.

So, I started searching good skin care stuff, and found something very interesting on Instagram.


Derma Roller #スキンケア#フェイシャルケア#極細針

Derma Roller #skincare#facialcare#presionneedles






I was so surprised by many of those tiny but very sharp needles when I saw the post for the first time, because I thought my face would cover with red if I roll over my face with it. Hardly imagined that effective for better skin to be more beautiful.

As I searched a bit more, and found out that this method is called Microneedling, and very effective for skin regeneration by making micro scar with those 0.5-2.0mm length micro medical needles to stimulate collagen.





With our fine processing technology, it is possible for us to make medical micro needles.

0.5mm length precision needles… isn’t it possible for Tecdia to make this?


※TECDIA Medical Micro Needle






I barely saw post or article of using derma roller in Japan.

But what if it is because these needles don’t match with the structure of Japanese people’s skin, isn’t it possible for us to provide better solutions for needles?

I guess I need to dig more!



【新人のもしなら。】 プラズマペンの極細針、ウチの製品使えないのかな?| 【NINA’s What IF】 Made-in-Japan Precision needles for Plasma Pen

【新人のもしなら。】医療3Dプリンティング技術の発展に貢献したい!|【NINA’s What IF】Want to Contribute to Developments of Madical 3D Printing!

【新人のもしなら。】愛犬・愛猫ちゃんとの健やかな暮らしをお手伝いしたい!|【NINA’s What IF】 Want to contribute to better life with your cutie-pie!